Friday, October 22, 2010

Seniors: Asking for a Letter of Recommendation

It’s that time of the year when seniors start coming back to my classroom asking “Ms. Avila, could you write a letter or recommendation for me?”  It is an honor for me to help my student further their education, but there are some things students need to prepare before they ask any teacher for a letter of recommendation:
1.       Visit the Guidance Office and get a “Recommendations” Packet (ask the secretaries)
2.       Read and Complete the Packet
3.       Write a list that Includes the following information:
a.       List all of HONORS and/or AP level classes
b.      List the years and marking periods you made HONOR ROLL
c.       List all the clubs, sports teams, band, etc. you have participated in and what was your position (member, president, secretary, front fielder, goalie, ect.)
d.      List all out-of school activities and explain your position / For example: Church Youth Group, Sports Clubs, Musical Groups, Choirs, Volunteering, etc.
e.      List any awards or recognitions you have received, even if they occurred in your home country
f.        List of languages that you speak
g.       List any jobs you have done and your position / For example: McDonalds – Cashier
h.      List of hobbies and interests
4.       Make sure you date all of the events on your list by writing the year or grade / For example: Honors Chemistry – Junior Year
5.       Choose a teacher that knows you well and that has positive things to say about you
6.       Don’t interrupt a teacher while they are teaching / come at the beginning or ending of a period and ask them in a polite manner, remember they are doing you a favor
7.       Let your teacher know when you need the letter

©Brenda Avila

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