Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Prefixes and Suffixes

A PREFIX is a letter or group of letters attached to the beginning/start of a word that partly indicates its meaning.

For example:

Prefix -- Meaning -- Example
1) anti -- against, opposite -- anti-fungal, antidepressant
2) auto -- self -- autograph, automobile
3) bi -- two -- bicycle, bivalve
4) con -- with -- contact, conform, converse
5) un -- not -- unconvincing, unnatural, unprepared
6) re -- again -- revisit, reenter
7) a, an -- not, without -- amoral, anesthetic, apolitical, asocial
8) ab -- away from -- abduction, abstain, abnormal
9) ambi -- both -- ambidextrous, ambivalent
10) centro, centri -- around, center -- concentric, centrifugal
11) dis -- apart, not -- disengage, discord, discomfort

A SUFFIX is a set of letters added at the end of a word to make another word or as an inflexion. It can alter the spelling of words when changing the part of speech.

For example:

Suffix -- Meaning -- Example
1) -er -- doer -- teacher
2) -able -- able to -- unbelievable
3) -ous -- full of -- dangerous
4) -ness -- state of being -- happiness
5) -ful -- full of -- wonderful
6) -ly or y --like -- gently, wintry
7) -ment --state of -- government
8) -cide -- kill(ing) -- patricide, infanticide, herbicide, suicide
9) -logy -- study field of -- biology, geology, etymology, cardiology
10) -phobia -- exaggerated fear -- photophobia, claustrophobia, agoraphobia

Learning about prefixes and suffixes can help you with information, spelling, and grammar.

Check out these videos to learn more:

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