Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Books…the original movies!!

Daphne du Maurier was the original creator of the suspenseful story The Birds.  In The Birds Daphne Du Maurier uses descriptive scenes that create mystery and suspense for the reader.  Many writers and movie directors have used Daphne du Maurier’s writings as inspiration to create their own suspenseful stories and movies.
·        Watch the following youtube videos from two different movies that were inspired by story The Birds.
·        For each youtube video write a paragraph comparing how the movie is similar to the story The Birds in creating suspense for the audience.

1st YouTube Video = Alfred Hitchcock’s The Birds movie:
·         Write a paragraph comparing The Birds movie with the The Birds story.  How are they similar in creating suspense?  Provide examples.

2nd YouTube Video = M. Night Shyamalan’s Signs movie:
·         Write a paragraph comparing the Sings movie with the The Birds story.  How are they similar in creating suspense?  Provide examples.

If you want to know more about the original story The Birds…click here: